Attorney Speciality Guide
Accident Law
Accident Law deals strictly with civil wrong doings. These civil wrongs are under the category of tort law, as opposed to criminal law. Accident law plays a vital role in individual legal rights and balancing the power between individuals and corporations. “Accident” cases are legal disputes that arise when one person suffers harm from an accident or injury and someone else might be legally responsible for that harm, or damages personal property and that person has to pay for the damage done.
Under a legal rule known as the “statute of limitations,” any lawsuit arising from an accident or injury must be filed within a certain time limit or the injured person’s legal claim will be barred
and his or her right to sue will be lost forever.
The following is a list of some types of accidents or injuries that could require the legal assistance of an experienced
Brooklyn Accident and Personal Injury lawyer.
• Car / Automobile Accidents
• Motorcycle Accidents
• Truck Accidents
• Bicycle Accidents
• Bus & Subway Accidents
• Airline Accidents • Train Accidents
• Animal Bites • Dog Bites
• Lack of Safety in Public Places
• Construction Accidents
• Workplace Injuries
• Slip, Trip & Fall Accidents
• Burns / Scars • Paralysis
• Injured Children
• Schoolyard Accidents
• Playground Accidents
• Class Action Lawsuits
• Broken Bones and Fractures
• Wrongful Death Cases
Antitrust Law
Antitrust Law deals with maintaining competition in private markets. The American antitrust and fair trade laws protect and promote competition in the free enterprise system. The goal of antitrust laws is to shelter trade and commerce from price fixing, monopolies, etc., and to foster competition. Free competition benefits consumers through lower prices, better quality, and greater choice. Competition provides businesses the opportunity to compete on price and quality, in an open market and on a level playing field.
New York Antitrust lawyers represent companies who try to preserve fair competition in a free enterprise marketplace.
Arbitration & Mediation Services
Have a legal problem? Going to court isn’t the only answer. Arbitration and Mediation are both categorized under the legal term Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR). This refers to any means of settling a dispute outside of the courtroom.
Mediation brings both sides of a dispute together with a professional, who helps the parties to work out an agreeable solution or compromise that both parties either accept or reject. Arbitration is a simplified version of a trial. In arbitration, either both sides agree on one arbitrator or each side selects one arbitrator and the two arbitrators elect the third to comprise a panel. Unlike mediation, the outcome of arbitration is legally binding.
Bankruptcy Law
Bankruptcy is a federal court process designed to help individuals,
married couples, and businesses to eliminate or restructure their debts, under the protection of the bankruptcy court, when they have financial difficulties and are unable to pay their creditors. There are a number of pros and cons of declaring bankruptcy.
If you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy, seek out the advice of an experienced Brooklyn Bankruptcy lawyer who can help you make a better, more informed decision.